New Moon or a Solar Eclipse.
Hey guys, haven't posted in about 2 days. Well I am back. Today I want to post about the new Twilight movie New Moon.
I think New Moon was one of the best Twilight books and it was very creative in a sense. Edward leaves Bella, Jacob picks up where he left off, then he comes back,etc. This book also, had a lot more Jacob than Edward and so was the first with more Edward than Jacob. This creates tension in a way.
New Moon was all about Bella be heartbroken about Edward and finding a release of some sort. She turned to adrenaline rush. Thus the conflict in the book/movie as well as Edward thinking she is dead and trying to get himself killed.
Will New Moon be better than the book?
Honestly, it is about how you take it. From the trailers I have seen and the work they have been putting in all I know is that it is looking very good. I also, like the fact that the wolves don't look like the traditional werewolves like so many directors go for. They actually look like over grown wolves.
Should I see this movie?
Of course you should if you are a fan. I am going with a group of friends. Ha ha though it will be a debate on 2012 and New Moon because we haven't seen 2012 yet. So yes just go see it.
Well that concludes this post and I hope to get back into my normal pattern of post. These last few days were amazing but take away from my blog.
Fun Fact: Did you know in about a billion years the sun will burn out because it's a star? Wow something new to me. The world will just have a "moon". But the crazy thing is the world will crash into the sun before it burns out.
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