What to do?
So, I just wrote a blog about how the movies and books of the Harry Potter and Twilight series are similar and the good reasons for watching the movies. But now I want to talk about the order of which you should watch or read and why you have to go by your own opinion.
Most people ask "Should I just watch the movie or read the book?" or say "The movie sucked, it didn't have any of the parts from the book"
The people who ask the first question are usually new fans, who want to know where to start. I would recommend you read just because when the time comes for you to watch it is more exciting for you.
Those who say the movie was terrible because it didn't have everything are usually close-minded or just don't understand movies. Even though most of us would like a Harry Potter movie to run for 8 hours and show everything from the book, me being one of them, you have to understand it can't. Most people aren't as hardcore as we are. So do you think they want to watch a movie, in which the have a vague interest, for 8 hours. No. So people who say the movie sucked are typically just mad and can't be swayed. So just watch the movie if you want or read the book if you don't have the time for a movie. But, make sure you go back and do which ever one you skipped. I look at these movies and books as an experience more than just something fun to do. You want every bit of this experience you can get.
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