My Very First Blog! :-)
Hello, and excuse my non-professionalism in the title. I am just so excited to finally post my first blog.
To start, I am currently in school and I have aspirations to be a published fictional writer and write 2 movie scripts.
As of right now I am waiting on responses from 3 interviews from internships of writing. But enough of me, allow me to tell you why I am blogging.
Here a few reasons:
- I really enjoy writing and expressing myself.
- I equally enjoy hearing what others have to say and helping with their problems.
- I have never, ever blogged or owned my own forum.
- I would like to interact with different people who know what I am talking about.
- Every experience leads up to the final you.
- I truly want to be HEARD!
Well now that I told you why I want to blog, how about I tell you what I am blogging about, though you might have guessed.
I am blogging about my favorite books, that I can read endlessly. Harry Potter, Twilight, and Eragon. These book are inspiring in a way, but more importantly in my eyes it allows you to
go somewhere you can never be and creates that feeling that you are there which is just as good as being there. But also these books mean something to me. Harry Potter and the Chamber of
Secrets was the first book I read all the way through and then re-read. After that I was hooked on Harry Potter. Twilight was the first book in which I actually embraced the theme of romance
novels. Although, I am a guy I truly understand Twilight and I frown upon those who judge it without good reason. Finally, Eragon is a book I love because it is a tale of heroics, which we all
want to hear, and a lot of the times it has those parts that get your heart beating or when you know that he is about to breakdown a door and people will finally know he is the Dragon Rider.
Those are the parts I live for.
And so I conclude my first blog. If you would like to comment or email me feel free I am very open and sociable.
Oh Yeah, Welcome to my Blog!
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