Harry Potter Greatest Moments: Part 3
At last part3. For this part I will name the top 5 Harry Potter movie moments and talk about them just like I did the top 10 moments of the book.
Here we go!
- A movie moment that stands out and can be considered in this top 5 list is. . . Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets when they are playing wizarding chess. That part is amazing and fun to look at. Hey, I would love to have taken part in that. This part isn't a serious point like most of my book moments but it is important to me because it looked breathtaking in a sense.
- My next top movie moment is when Harry watched him and his godfather being killed by dementors and he casted his stag patronus. This was in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. This was nice moment because it allowed us our first true glimpse of his patronus, in full power. Also, it is weird when we get to see him watching himself die and then save his own life. Ha ha.
- A great moment in Harry Potter movies was in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix when they were battling at the Ministry of Magic. The fight was amazing, they were black and white blurs dashing across the place, sending jinxes and curses at each other. Also, the 2 on 2 when Harry and Sirius were fighting and Sirius calls Harry by his father name "James". That part is epic because it is like Sirius and James fighting along side again. But sadly Sirius dies shortly after. At least he got the illusion on being with James again before he left.
- Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is where our next great moment comes from. The scene when they show us Slughorn. I was very interested in what Professor Slughorn looked like and their portrayal of him is somewhat what I expected him to be and also the memory which he tampered with was funny. He did a bad job.
- The final part of this is Voldemort vs. Dumbledore in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. This fight had excellent visuals which were breathtaking. The way they were moving things and front of them and the very end when Voldemort screamed was awesome. I actually bookmarked this fight on youtube, I was truly impressed with this fight. Also, it was very accurate in terms of the book and how Dumbledore using the statue was the chapter cover and a physical part in the book.
Thanks for reading!
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