Book to Movie
Hello, fellow vampires and wizards. Ha ha.
Today I felt I should share my opinion of the movies. To start the only reason why I put Harry Potter and Twilight movies is because we all know the Eragon 1 film was an epic fail. So let's begin.
Harry Potter 1-6 movies held true to the series in a sense. The movies were a good mirror of the books because I felt the actors developed with the characters in the story in just the way they should. Another good thing is the storyline followed the books with not a lot of tweaking, even though when they did tweak it, it was a part I wanted to see. Which sucked. The films, also provide those who can't truly visualize the characters with a little visualization. In other terms it puts a face to a name. But there is some fun with visualizing what they look like in your head and then see how other people visualized them in the movie. For example, I thought of Fernir different than what they showed me. Guess they showed me. No pun intended, though it was kind of intended.Now for the Twilight movie(s). As of right now there is only one with another right down the street. The Twilight movie is very good. I really liked it, because it has a certain feel to it. Hard to explain. But, with Twilight they were almost exactly how I pictured them. One thing that sets Twilight apart from the way Harry Potter flowed with its books to films are I could actually recommend Twilight the movie and not the book at all. Though I do not recommend this. It takes away from you. Also, Twilight movies have a stellar actor playing lead. Not saying Harry Potter doesn't but Kirsten Stewart has the role locked. She is so convincing and Robert Pattinson isn't to shabby either. Twilight also incorperates the mood of Twilight into the film. That is usually hard for films to do. Also New Moon is going to be awesome. This film looks spectacular from trailers I have seen. They have a great cast, and the fighting looks amazing. New Moon is sure to be a hit.
So that is my two cent, but as always I want to hear what you think.
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