Harry Potter Greatest Moments: Part 1
Well today I am going to share the TOP 10 Harry Potter book moments and TOP 5 Harry Potter movie moments. This will consist of 3 parts. Please feel free to share yours as well, so we can compare and talk about them
Harry Potter Top 10 Book Moments:
- My first pick is in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, when Harry looks at Snape's memories and finally realizes Snape was a good guy. Rowling made this a perfect plot twist because she had most of us, if not all of us, fooled about what his true motive was. Also, this justifies a lot of Snape's actions and feelings of Harry than just Snape's hate for James Potter. His memories were a very important piece to the Harry Potter puzzle, which we call a series.
- The next top moment comes from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. The part that I felt was important was when Sirius dies at the battle in The Ministry of Magic. Though sad I felt Rowling was right in allowing Sirius to die. Harry true destiny was to defeat Voldemort and stop the Death Eaters reign. And with Sirius there Harry was becoming attached to him, which isn't bad, but during that time Harry should only be focused on defeating Voldemort. There is also, and underlying theme that Harry must do it alone, which he did no matter what way you look at it. Dumbledore, his parents, and Sirius death were necessary for him to grow and succeed.
- Another moment I felt was important, though many might not agree with, is when Dudley shakes Harry's hand and is genuinely worried about him. This was a touching moment because throughout Harry's life Dudley was second to none in making his life miserable. So when this change of heart comes it is a happy moment, but sad because it has to end so soon.
- A significant moment, in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, is when was when Snape kills Dumbledore. Though we didn't know at the time, this was very tough for Snape and one of his most difficult trials in his life. This moment has gained more meaning after Deathly Hallows explained it. Dumbledore had trusted Snape and Snape the same, but when Dumbledore proposes the idea to allow Snape to kill him because he was dying any way Snape is appalled. This test Snapes loyalty to both the Dark Lord and Dumbledore, though in different ways. In the end Snape kept true to his words even though his soul was going to be damaged as he told Dumbledore. This moment shows just how heroic Snape was.
- A very, very important moment was when Voldemort returns in Harry potter and the Goblet of Fire. This was important because the main bad guy of the story finally makes an appearance and now the book has its real conflict in which the main character must overcome. This part, at the end of the book, sets the tempo and other actions that will follow and ultimately the end of the series. It truly started at this part in a sense and ended with his fall as well.
Par 2 will be 5 more top book moments and part 3 will be 5 movie moments.
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