Tales of Beedle the Bard
Hey vamps, dragon-riders, and wizards.
I was just wondering if any of you heard of J.K Rowling's Harry Potter spin-off book.
It is the book from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, that Dumbledore gave Hermione.
J.K rowling filled it with a collection of wizard tales and such that Ron grew up reading. This book is a great way to stay connected to the Harry Potter world. I heard of this book about 4 months ago, but didn't believe my friend who told me about it. I was like"Yeah, whatever, J.K Rowling made another Harry Potter book,?" Ah, but I was both right and wrong. She didn't make another Harry Potter book, she made a book that was mentioned in Harry Potter. Ha ha.
You guys should really check this book out. I highly recommend it. Though I am not finished reading it, due to essays and girlfriend problems, from what I read it is very engaging. So check it out. I will have my own review of the book when I finished reading it so if you're shaky on reading it you can find out a little more from me.
Here's something that got me thinking. . .
Now that Rowling has made a book mentioned in Harry Potter, will she make others like that. Say for instance "A History of Hogwarts" or maybe "The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore". The two books would be best sellers if she made them and a fun thing to read. I am hoping Rowling writes these two books for our entertainment.
Fun Fact: Did you know J.k Rowling was born July 31 the same day Harry Potter was born in the book? Ha ha talk about being attached to main characters.
hope she does make more books from the books, that would be awsumm :)
Indeed !
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