Eragon Characters. . .
Well as I promised or said, more Eragon content and this is something I have been eager to write, but I was very busy with Harry Potter Greatest Moments Part 1, 2, and 3. I am going to breakdown my 3 favorite characters and explain why they are my favorite characters and give you more info on them.
Eragon: Eragon is my favorite character for more obvious reasons. He is the stories protagonist and has an heroic air about him. But that is not entirely it about him. The thing that makes him my favorite character and such a powerful figure is what he was and what he has come to be. In the first book of the series titled "Eragon". He was just a farm boy in the very beginning and his only worries were helping his uncle and cousin and keeping himself feed. Eragon led a normal life and was content with it, though he loved stories Brom told about the Riders of the old times. And then all of a sudden a he finds a egg. That egg changed his life, for that egg held his destiny and lineage. When I read to this point I was hooked. Throughout the story Eragon holds true to his self and learns very fast, about the ways of a world he never dreamed existed.
Roran: This guy! Roran is a rough guy who cares for his people, his cousin Eragon, and beloved wife Katrina. Roran didn't play a major part in the first book, but in the next books he starts to grow. Roran is a man with power and quick wit. Roran starts fighting to protect his homeland, but as the fighting continues and he must escape with all the villagers, he experiences a change. He starts to like war in a way though he is opposed to killing. This eternal battle is the main reason why I like him. He is gentle and kind on the inside, though that doesn't come across much, and he is rough and tough on the outside. What also makes Roran such a spectacular character is the fact that he is a normal human in Eragon's world and doesn't have half the power they have, but all the same he fights as hard. He even acquired the nickname Stronghammer because of his signature weapon and the strength at which he brings it down on his foes. Roran is normal, but can fight as if he was a god when the times counts itself convenient.
Murtagh: WHAT?!?! I bet this is the reaction I just got. Ha ha. Yes, I stick by my choice. Murtagh is one of my favorite characters. Despite popular belief Murtagh is not evil at all. He is being forced to be what he is even if he isn't exactly against it. Murtagh is a powerful character who is on the brink of self destruction because of Galbatorix. He has lost hope and has turned to his hatred, but he isn't truly lost in his heart. When Eragon told him he could change who his "name" and break free from Galbatorix he is hopeful and is ready to do it, but then is reminded on why it probably will fail and all hope leaves his mind. He is a complex character who is struggling to be good when it is obvious that option has been taking off the table long ago. But he is trying all the same. For example, he saved Eragon's life after their first official battle which did great harm to him. Murtagh is a very important character and throughout the rest of the series I hope to see him play a big role and ultimately change and break away from Galbatorix all together.
Well this concludes my post, but make sure you comment below:
- Your top favorite character.
- Your second favorite character.
- Your the third favorite character.
Wanted to say hi been checking out your blog. Its very cool and you put a lot of work into it. Anyway just wanted to say hi.
Thanks I really appreciate that.
And hey lol!
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